Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Motoman HP20: for a powerful robotics application

Versatile, High-Speed Robot

This dynamic, high-speed robot is compact and requires minimal installation space. It offers superior performance in handling, machine tending, packaging, cutting and dispensing applications.

The HP20 features a 1,717 mm (67.6") reach and offers the widest work envelope in its class. The slim base, waist, and arm allow the robot to be placed close to workpiece holding fixtures to improve part accessibility.

The compact design and built-in collision avoidance features with multiple robot control allow up to four robots to be used together to maximize productivity while reducing overall floorspace requirements.

Advanced NX100 Controller
The NX100 high-performance controller features a Windows® CE programming pendant, fast processing, easy-to-use INFORM III programming language, and robust PC architecture.

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